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Foxglove beardtongue 'Blackbeard'


Penstemon digitalis 'Blackbeard'

Familia de planta

Plantain (Plantaginaceae)

Grupo de planta

Hierbas y flores salvajes

Blackbeard' is a cultivar of foxglove beardtongue that has dark purple foliage and stems, and pink flowers. Foxglove beardtongue is a hairless perennial growing 3-5 feet tall when flowering. It can have one or more slender purple stems topped with a cluster of flowers. Rhizomes can produce clones around the base.
159 informes

Sugerencias de identificación

The common name of beard tongue comes from the tuft of hairs on the sterile stamen, which resembles a beard. The foliage can be semi-evergreen in the South.


The tuft of hairs on the anthers may be important in pollination of Foxglove. The hairs rub against the backs of bees and other insect pollinators that visit the plant and cause the anthers to bend in such a way as to deposit pollen on the backs of the insects.
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The foliage of 'Blackbeard' is dark purple. Before flowering, foxglove beardtongue leaves grow at the ground without a stem (basal rosette). The leaves grow to about 6" long by 2½" wide, oval shaped with smooth leaf margins. Once it begins to develop flowers, the leaves grow opposite one another on the stem, lance-shaped and with small teeth on the margins.
Foxglove beardtongue stems terminate in a loose cluster of pink flowers, which are borne on branches in groups of two. The flowers are tubular, the petals are divided into a lower lip with 3 lobes and an upper lobe with 2 lobes. The flowers have five stamens; four of the stamens are fertile (make pollen) and one is sterile.
Fruit is a dry capsule filled with many small seeds. The seeds are gray and angled irregularly.
Tiempo de floración
Blooms between May and July.

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