Every observation you make through Budburst, every interaction and data point, is part of a bigger picture. Once uploaded, your contributions are part of a larger dataset that scientists and researchers use to further their climate research. As scientists ourselves, we believe in transparency, and that every user has the right to know where the data they contribute actually goes.
Questions Your Data Answers
Phenophase Timing
Species Distribution
Pollinator Presence
Plant-Insect Interactions
The data you collect is put to good use for the good of us all.
Budburst data is freely available for anyone to download and use. In fact, scientists, horticulturists and educators in the Budburst network and beyond have relied on it to aid current climate research efforts.
In our classes, students have used Budburst as a starting place to discover the process of scientific research, phenology and climate change. In addition to contributing their own data to the Budburst database, they've also used the large dataset to ask their own rich scientific questions...Thanks to Budburst, students have authentically engaged in the process of doing science, rather than simply learning about science as a set of knowledge.