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Budburst Projects

Budburst sponsors research projects that address current ecological challenges by simply participating and collecting data. From plant observations to plant and animal interactions and beyond, there’s always something for everyone to enjoy.

Plants & Climate Change

A large part of Budburst research focuses on how climate change affects plants. We collect long-term phenology data to answer a variety of questions, such as: how do different species respond to a changing climate, do species respond similarly across their range, and do native and invasive species respond differently.

Plant-Animal Interactions

The data we collect on pollinator visits to plants and other plant-animal interactions can be used to answer questions such as: are plant-pollinator relationships changing as the climate changes, do plants attract more pollinators in their native range vs. their invaded or horticultural range.

Jean Bryan

By knowing more about nature in your neighborhood you will able to discover many new things, and better appreciate where you live, and at the same time contribute valuable observations to help promote science and conservation.

Paul Alaback, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Forest Ecology, University of Montana

Ways to Contribute

There are plenty of ways you can play your part. Take a look at other Budburst activities and initiatives to see if anything further peaks your interest.

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