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Loblolly pine


Pinus taeda

Plant family

Pine (Pinaceae)

Plant group


Loblolly pines are common trees in the southeastern United States and are sometimes referred to as southern yellow pines. Loblolly means "low, wet place," however you can find these trees in uplands as well as lowlands. These trees can grow to 115 feet in height. An interesting feature of Loblolly pines is that they often retain their needles for up to two years.
200 reports

Identification hints

Loblolly pines are common trees in the southeastern United States and are sometimes referred to as southern yellow pines. Loblolly means "low, wet place," however you can find these trees in uplands as well as lowlands. These trees can grow to 115 feet in height. An interesting feature of Loblolly pines is that they often retain their needles for up to two years.

Did you know?

Loblolly pines are often used in plantation forestry as they are valued as timber and pulpwood. Loblolly pines don't begin to produce cones until they are about 12 to 18 years old. They produce 3-5 times as many seeds when they are 40 year old trees as when they are 25 year old trees.
Alabama , Arkansas , Delaware , Florida , Georgia , Illinois , Kentucky , Louisiana , Maryland , Missouri , Mississippi , North Carolina , New Jersey , Oklahoma , South Carolina , Tennessee , Texas , Virginia
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