National Ecological Observatory Network, Operated by Battelle, 7647 Notre Dame Lane
Land O' Lakes,
Located in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, NEON's Domain 05 contains regenerating Northern mesic forests and a mixture of both wooded and open bogs. Land use, specifically forest management, is one of the major science themes this Domain will study. To view phenocam links, below, select 'view in a new window/tab.'
The Domain core site at the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (Tower Camera and Crampton Lake Camera) is dominated by regrowth of maple, aspen, balsam fir and birch stands. In contrast, the other Domain research sites (Treehaven_UW, Steigerwalt and the Chequamegon NF) are actively managed for forestry as well as land management research and educational use.
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