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The Ridges Sanctuary

8166 Highway 57
Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin 54202
United States
The Ridges Sanctuary is a non-profit nature center and preserve located in Baileys Harbor, WI. The Ridges has grown thoughtfully and strategically to ensure the protection of the most biologically diverse habitat in Wisconsin. The Ridges permanently protects over 1600 acres of the most critical lands in our community. The Sanctuary is named for its distinctive topography - a series of 30 ridges and swales formed by the movement of Lake Michigan over the past 1,400 years. This ridge-swale complex provides a wide range of environmental conditions, from open beaches to densely shaded conifer forest. Nearly 500 different species of plants, including 29 species of native orchids, populate these varied habitats which are also home to over 60 species of breeding birds and numerous threatened or endangered species, including the federally endangered Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly.
Because of our very active Citizen/Community Science program and our Mission, Budburst is a natural fit to incorporate into our program. We have also recently initiated a plant inventory endeavor and a high-quality phenology program is a natural extension to gather more data on the plants of The Ridges Sanctuary.

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