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Triangle Land Conservancy

514 S. Duke St.
Durham, North Carolina 27701
Triangle Land Conservancy strives to create a healthier and more vibrant Triangle region of North Carolina by safeguarding clean water, protecting natural habitats, supporting local farms and food, and connecting people with nature through land protection and stewardship, catalyzing community action, and collaboration. We see the Triangle region as an increasingly healthy and vibrant place to live where wild and working lands are protected and everyone has access to open space, clean water, and local food.
We have several citizen science projects that are run on our preserves that are very popular and we are always looking for ways to extend our reach and invite new people in to the STEAM world. We especially have an interest in this project because at our newest public preserve, we have installed a pollinator garden that was partially funded by grants from Burts Bees and there are many nativars that have been planted.

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