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Botanic Gardens

North Carolina Botanical Garden

100 Old Mason Farm Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517
North Carolina is home to an amazingly rich flora, including many plant species found nowhere else in the world. Dedicated to conserving that unique botanical legacy, the North Carolina Botanical Garden (NCBG) has been a leader in native plant conservation, horticulture, and education in the southeastern United States for more than 50 years. Today, we cultivate more than 1,100 acres of garden and conservation areas, safeguard rare and endangered plant species from extinction, and educate new generations of plant lovers and environmental citizens. As part of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the North Carolina Botanical Garden (NCBG) furthers the University's teaching, research, and public service mission through our own mission to inspire understanding, appreciation, and conservation of plants and to advance a sustainable relationship between people and nature.
The North Carolina Botanical Garden is excited to work in partnership with Budburst as a satellite hub, to partner with local community organizations and schools to run “mini” Budburst Pollinators and Climate Project (https://budburst.org/pollinators-and-climate) programming events and collect data.

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