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Botanic Gardens

Powell Gardens, Kansas City’s Botanical Garden

1609 NW US 50 Hwy
Kingsville, Missouri 64061
As Kansas City’s Botanical Garden, Powell Gardens plays a vital role in the community as a space for release, rejuvenation, and the celebration of the fleeting nature of nature itself. Visitors enjoy themed display gardens, a trail system, seasonal festivals, rotating horticulture themed exhibitions, and exceptional architecture. Established in 1988, Powell Gardens is a public garden, maintaining 970 acres of lush, rolling hills and windswept prairies, with more than 175 acres and a large collection of plants open to the public for education, exploration, and recreation. Many of the plants in the Gardens are regionally native, and all highlight the changing seasons and Midwest spirit of place.
Powell Gardens supports a group of staff, interns, and volunteers to monitor and submit data to the Milkweeds and Monarchs and Phenology and Climate Budburst projects. Citizen science is integral to the mission of Powell Gardens, Kansas City’s Botanical Garden, by inviting the community to experience the Midwest’s spirit of place and building awareness of environmental stewardship.

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